The Day One Planner

Vowlá's Day-of Planning Service is designed for couples who have meticulously planned their wedding but seek professional assistance to ensure a seamless and stress-free celebration on their special day.


The Day One Planner Service

This service allows you to relax and fully immerse yourself in the joy of your wedding, knowing that every detail will be flawlessly executed. Our experienced Day-of Planners step in as your trusted partners to oversee all the logistics, timelines, and coordination, ensuring that your carefully crafted wedding vision becomes a reality. From sunrise to the final dance, Vowlá's Day-of Planning Service allows you to savor every moment of your wedding while we handle the behind-the-scenes magic.



  • In-depth consultation prior to the wedding day to understand your vision, timeline, and vendor details.

  • Development of a comprehensive wedding day timeline

  • Coordination with all vendors, acting as the main point of contact on your wedding day.

  • Set-up supervision, ensuring decor and arrangements are executed per your vision.

  • Managing unexpected challenges and troubleshooting discreetly to keep the celebration stress-free.

  • Guidance for the wedding party, ensuring everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities.

  • Overseeing the flow of events, including the ceremony, reception, and all special moments.

  • Managing the timeline with precision, ensuring your day stays on track.

  • With Vowlá's Day-of-Planning Service, you can be confident that your wedding day will be a masterpiece, free from the worries of coordination and logistics. Let us handle the details so you can focus on cherishing the love and joy that surround you, making your vows truly sound like "Vowlá" in a perfectly orchestrated celebration.