Top Trends in the Tech Industry Right Now

The arrival of the virus, more or less, changed the way companies viewed their employees while paving the path for a better grip on online learning. Here are the top five trends Vowlá has to share about the most buzzing trends within the tech industry:

1. Increased demand for Work-from-Home

In light of this new and unforeseen spread of the virus, many companies or industrial entities have come to realize that their employees don't need to come to the office to prepare a spreadsheet or give a presentation, or even conduct meetings. Apps like Google Meet, Zoom, Discord, Slack as well as other collaborative applications are being downloaded by a whopping number that's only growing. Not only that, but the companies are also saving more money by not having to rent out workspaces because their employees can now work directly from home. 

This goes without saying that working from home is now easier than ever. That is precisely why most people are now leaning towards freelancing for an extra buck. All they have to do is go to the site and register, set up a promising portfolio, and stay true to their talents. But that's only the start. The competition is quite fierce and it can be tough for people who are just starting out. Then again, that's only if you don't utilize your skills to its truest potential.

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2. Introducing diversity and inclusivity in teams

This year can be a very good example to start with. The Black Lives' Movement has sparked a nation-wide strike that led to some symbolic changes which will probably go by as the most momentous changes in the many history books to come. And that's awesome. Not only has it led to the government making these changes, but it has also prompted many companies to include more people from different backgrounds and those suffering from disabilities. This led companies to also realize the significance of having remote workers on their team. They are opening their ranks to people around the world because there are no geographical restrictions, and regardless of what kind of gender, beliefs or ethnicity they're from, it won't disrupt the flow of work. 

3. Automatic Recommended Courses, or Adaptive Learning

As more days pass, the online learner base only grows. Many apps are applying this new approach commonly known as adaptive learning where the algorithm automatically suggests the users a personalized learning experience and courses to meet their learning needs. With more people quarantining, it's only a matter of time till people get curious about certain topics and want to become an expert on the subject themselves. It's a trend definitely worth noticing as it will help out your users even more, and as a result, you'll have a larger user base.

4. Micro-learning and Gamification

Who wants to watch a two-hour-long video on how to arrange flowers for your event? That, too, without any real-time interaction? It's not productive to stare at the screen for over an hour if you don't get to implement what you've learned in real life. Just so you don't fall asleep while watching your videos, some online learning platforms have taken advantage of micro-learning. Micro-learning is meant to help the user consume the knowledge in smaller chunks instead of giving a two-hours long lecture. As many people are downloading these apps on their mobiles, it's, even more, easier for them as well. 

Other than that method, there are, of course, ways in which you may choose to engage your students in, i.e through gamification or giving them small activities to complete. Studies have proven that when people are promised something of a greater reward for a trivial task, they become more motivated to do the next thing. That's why most apps give out a badge or certificate for completing a certain course. 

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5. Number of Indoor Productivity and Work from Home Apps are being downloaded more

This is, once again, no surprise because hey, people are home anyway. they have way too much time on their hands and nothing much to do. so that's why most of them are downloading apps such as HouseParty Snapchat in order to have some fun. Not only to have fun with others via online, but for other activities as well such as workout, meditation, or even for cooking. Anything that might keep them entertained. Even, I watch random cat videos during my breaks! 

This reminds me, remember how we had to go through our communal walk to the washroom that would last for several minutes? Have you noticed how easily that has changed into breaks where you stretch out or get some rest? This feels like the new normal. Who knows how long it will take for us to adapt back to the "old" normal once the pandemic is over?

Do you have any more recent trends in mind? If yes, do let us know by leaving a reply below! For more tips and tricks, visit here.

Jenny Chang